Posts tagged 'Storage'

Don’t bin that plastic bottle, bottle it
Don’t bin that plastic bottle, bottle it
Potable water
15 April 2024
4163 view(s) 9 min read

What is potable water and is it drinkable?

The last thing you want as you are about to take a sip of a refreshing glass of water is to see it looks a bit murky and there is a weird smell coming from the glass. Has the water gone off? Is the tank not suitable? Or did you just leave the water in the tank too long?

Let’s look at how long you should store water in a tank and how to protect the water from contamination in your water storage tank.

A Guide to UN Approved Packaging
31 August 2023
917 view(s) 7 min read

A Guide to UN Approved Packaging

When storing or transporting potentially hazardous chemicals, it is important to ensure that they are safely contained. In the context of purchasing an intermediate bulk container (more commonly known as an IBC), one of the first steps towards selecting a suitable IBC for your requirements is to check whether it is UN approved. But what does that mean?