Posts tagged 'Recycling'

What happens to plastic once it’s recycled? 
29 June 2022
143 view(s) 4 min read

What happens to plastic once it’s recycled? 

Recycling has fast become a massive part of everyday life in the UK - whether business or home, and rightly so – but have you ever wondered what happens to your plastic once you send it off to the recycling? 
Reusing and reducing recycling waste in your office
31 May 2022
159 view(s) 3 min read

Reusing and reducing recycling waste in your office

Encouraging reuse of reusable items in the office can be a tricky task. It's one thing doing it in a small home, it's a whole other ball game trying to encourage an office full of people to get on board. You’ll need to make sure you have an easy-to-follow plan at the ready, and maybe a cup of tea or biscuits to persuade colleagues.
The guide to getting your workplace into the recycling revolution
26 April 2022
86 view(s) 5 min read

The guide to getting your workplace into the recycling revolution

Getting your household to recycle is one thing, getting your workplace recycling is another task altogether. As hard as it may be, it’s part of your duty as a responsible employer to encourage workplace recycling, wherever possible. 


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