Posts tagged 'outdoor'

Forget the rubbish: Getting to know your outdoor waste and recycling bins
15 March 2022
77 view(s) 4 min read

Forget the rubbish: Getting to know your outdoor waste and recycling bins

We are all going that extra step to protect and preserve our environment. This includes taking care to dispose of waste and recycling in the right way.
As a headteacher, business owner or local council worker you will need to ensure there are enough waste bin locations outdoors.
We have had a look at the key characteristics of outdoor bins which make them ideal for year-round use.

The difference between household bins and commercial bins: What you need to know
7 December 2021
90 view(s) 5 min read

The difference between household bins and commercial bins: What you need to know

What is the difference between household and commercial bins? It must be a question you have asked yourself over and over again. Oh, you haven’t? Well, we’re deep thinkers when it comes to the world of bins, so we’ve answered it for you anyway!
Different Types of Salt Spreaders
1 December 2021
734 view(s) 5 min read

The different types of salt spreaders: Which one is the best for your business?

Spreading salt isn’t the most glamorous of tasks, but it is important. In most cases, it is a legal requirement for business owners to properly grit their land. It can also help you avoid any expensive injury claims if you ensure your business is properly maintained over the cold winter months. Let's look at the key facts about salt spreaders, the different types and why they are so important to a business.
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