Posts tagged 'Bins'

What happens to plastic once it’s recycled? 
29 June 2022
143 view(s) 4 min read

What happens to plastic once it’s recycled? 

Recycling has fast become a massive part of everyday life in the UK - whether business or home, and rightly so – but have you ever wondered what happens to your plastic once you send it off to the recycling? 
The guide to getting your workplace into the recycling revolution
26 April 2022
86 view(s) 5 min read

The guide to getting your workplace into the recycling revolution

Getting your household to recycle is one thing, getting your workplace recycling is another task altogether. As hard as it may be, it’s part of your duty as a responsible employer to encourage workplace recycling, wherever possible. 


Forget the rubbish: Getting to know your outdoor waste and recycling bins
15 March 2022
77 view(s) 4 min read

Forget the rubbish: Getting to know your outdoor waste and recycling bins

We are all going that extra step to protect and preserve our environment. This includes taking care to dispose of waste and recycling in the right way.
As a headteacher, business owner or local council worker you will need to ensure there are enough waste bin locations outdoors.
We have had a look at the key characteristics of outdoor bins which make them ideal for year-round use.

school budget
17 December 2021
79 view(s) 4 min read

What to add to your next school budget?

Getting the most out of your school budget is crucial. With a set amount being offered to ensure your school is furnished to a high standard each year striking the right balance between quality and cost efficiency is key.

We’ve put together a selection of items that you might want to consider adding to your wish list for when you’re considering where to spend your budget.

eco-friendly bin
16 December 2021
84 view(s) 4 min read

Why make the change to eco-friendly bins?

COP 26 has flagged up the need for everyone to take on a greater responsibility to protect and save our planet.

There are small changes we can all make to do our bit to help. This includes taking more care when it comes to buying products, ensuring that they are sustainable and eco-friendly.

We’ve taken a detailed look at what makes a product eco-friendly and why you should choose eco-friendly items.

Festival Planning Checklist
15 December 2021
319 view(s) 4 min read

The complete festival planning checklist

Festivals aren’t at the forefront of everyone’s mind right now, but before you know it, people will be taking the fields across the UK to soak up good music and good times.

If you’re tasked with planning a festival, no matter if it is a camping festival or day event, you will need to start your prep work early.  To help you out, we have put together a list of products you might want to consider ensuring you make any festival a hit. 

Grit bin guide
8 December 2021
352 view(s) 5 min read

Grit and grit bins 101: What you need to know

The weather in the UK has well and truly taken a turn over the past month, with the milder weather replaced by freezing cold winds. As such, we expect to see more ice and snow hitting our areas soon so being prepared for the coldest of conditions is crucial.

The difference between household bins and commercial bins: What you need to know
7 December 2021
90 view(s) 5 min read

The difference between household bins and commercial bins: What you need to know

What is the difference between household and commercial bins? It must be a question you have asked yourself over and over again. Oh, you haven’t? Well, we’re deep thinkers when it comes to the world of bins, so we’ve answered it for you anyway!
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