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Contact Us

How can we help?

Our knowledgeable and friendly team are available to answer any questions that you may have about our products and services. You can contact us by phone, email or live chat.

Help & FAQs

Before contacting us, you may want to look through our Help & FAQs guide which will give you information on a range of topics including our Products & Services, Delivery processes and our Returns & Refunds policies. If you don’t find the answer here, please feel free to send your question to sales@kingfisherdirect.co.uk.

View our Help & FAQs


Sales & Technical Support

If you would like to place an order, need any help choosing a suitable product or would like us to provide you with a quote, please call 01777 858009 or email sales@kingfisherdirect.co.uk

We accept payments from Visa Debit/Credit, Mastercard Debit/Credit, and American Express cards. We also accept bank transfer payments and official purchase orders from public sector organisations.

List of Payment Methods


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Customer Services

If you have placed an order with us and have any questions regarding your delivery or the products you have received, please call 01777 858009 or email: customerservices@kingfisherdirect.co.uk


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